Week 5 Training
The plan for this week
was to continue to slowly up the mileage and to introduce a quality session
into the mix. I also aimed to take my long run up to the 13
mile mark.
Monday I was off work and most of the day saw
me travelling back from our short break in the Cotswolds. Arriving
home mid-afternoon I decided to go out straightaway and get the run out
of the way. It was a largely uneventful run. I added some
difficulty in by starting the run straight up the long and winding Chilbolton
Avenue hill, but it was a case "getting the job done" and was
easily the least enjoyable run of the week.
The Tuesday evening
club run was the first since the clocks went back. This means that large
sections of the prom are now dark and dangerous to run (thank you Poole
Council!), however this does mean that the routes through the winter tend
to vary more than during the summer. Tuesday saw us running along
the cliff top from Westbourne before dropping down to the Pier. We then
ran up the other side (past Harry Ramsden's Fish and Chip shop which smelt
WONDERFUL) and up onto the East Overcliff. From here we ran into
Boscombe and down to Boscombe Pier. Then it was a case of back along the
front as far as Bournemouth where the group split. With 3 of us
(Me, Jill and Aaron) continuing on for the full 10 miles.
We ran along the length
of the pier before following the beach front along to the bottom of the avenue.
From here we went back through Branksome Park and back up to
Westbourne. When we got to the office we were only at 9.9 miles so we
looped until we had reached the full 10 (in around 1h33m). It was an
enjoyable run that felt like it got easier the further I ran. The
company was also excellent. Special mention goes to Aaron who, in
addition to the 10 miles, ran from his home in Parkstone and back
afterwards for a total of 17 miles!!
Despite feeling good
at the end of the club run the night before by the time it got to Wednesday
lunchtime my legs were tired and running was difficult. We once
again put our trust in Simon "Chairman" Jury and he duly took us on a
magical mystery tour around Meyrick Park and Tolbot Woods. Once again it
was by no means flat and included a wicked set of steps
towards the end of the run (see photo). Once again the company was good, with
Sharon and I making sure no-one was left behind by bringing up the
rear for most of the run!
On Friday Sharon,
Aaron and I headed out for our first interval session (See above for more info)
for a few months. We jogged down to the cliff top near Bournemouth
Pier and set about the session. Our aim was to try and complete 7
reps at the fastest speed we felt we could maintain. Aaron is
the naturally quicker runner so he led the way with myself and Sharon
following. After a few reps Sharon felt her calf go so she stopped and
chatted up passing old men ;-) Whilst Aaron and I continued. As I
got to the end of my 7th rep, Aaron was finishing his 8th and we
decided to do one more rep together. Not wanting Aaron to beat me I
gave everything I could and was pleased with the speed at which I was
running (topping out at around 6:20 mileing, albeit over a shorter distance),
especially at the end of the session. We then jogged back to the
office, looping occasionally to ensure Sharon was ok. Once again I got
back to the office and was just short of 5 miles, so a quick loop saw
me get unto the full distance.
Her finishing time was 36:29...a 12 minute PB. She was so proud of herself and took great pride in getting her barcode scanned. Sarah soon appeared round the corner for home and, assisted by Olivia, ran in to the finish for a sub-45 parkrun...not bad 16 weeks pregnant!!
The support shown to both Olivia and Sarah on their way round is a great example of what parkrun is all about. Even the lead runner had words of encouragement for Olivia as he lapped us and he stayed to cheer her in to the finish. The warm applause and kind words afterwards to both of my lovely ladies was really nice to hear and I couldn't be prouder of both of them!
The first lap was slow by my normal standards and it took me ages to get my legs working. I kept thinking that they would ease up and I would start running more fluidly, but it didn't happen. The run became more of a plod than a run and I honestly considered cutting it down to two laps and going home with just 9.5 miles covered. However with 14 weeks to go until the Thames Trot 50 I knew that I needed to start getting longer runs under my belt, so off I went on the 3rd lap. I had my phone with me so I started playing some podcasts to keep my mind off of the running, this worked and it wasn't long before I had reached the viaduct and was on my last mile. I was relieved to see my car appear out of the mist at St Catherine's Hill car park and know that, despite the heavy legs and slow running, I had stuck it out and got the job done. 14.25 miles in the bag at a little over 2h 15mins.
I exceeded my mileage for the week and managed a few good sessions during the week. Notably the Tuesday night run, the fast Thursday 10km and the intervals on Friday. The highlight of the week though was parkrun and Olivia's joy of running a PB. It's a memory that I will cherish.
MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI | SAT | SUN | Total | |
Target | 4.5 | 10 | 4.5 | 6 | 4.5 | 3.1 | 13 | 45.6 |
Actual | 4.65 | 10.02 | 4.79 | 6.51 | 5.06 | 3.07 | 14.29 | 48.39 |
Time | 44:15 | 1:33:57 | 43:29 | 53:10 | 42:40 | 36:29 | 2:18:19 | 7:32:19 |
Pace (Min/Mile) | 9:31 | 9:23 | 9:05 | 8:10 | 8:26 | 11:54 | 9:40 | 9:20 |
October saw me post 158.87 miles for the month over 26 sessions. Averaging 6.11 miles per session!!
Next Week
The plan for next week is pretty much the same as this week, but the long run gets longer (15 miles). I will be continuing with the intervals, but aiming to get up to the full set of 10. Lastly I will be running the inaugural Moors Valley parkrun on the Saturday.
MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI | SAT | SUN | |
02-Nov | 4.5 | 10 | 4.5 | 6 | 4.5 | 3.1 | 15 |
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